What to expect at your hearing consultation?
During this event, we will look inside your ear using a tiny camera called a Video Otoscope. As licensed hearing professionals, this is a fascinating tool to help us evaluate the cause of hearing difficulties. This procedure is completely painless and will allow us to see all the way to your eardrum on a video monitor. Discover, under the guidance of a professional, why you may be experiencing difficulties with your hearing like:
- Ringing or buzzing in your ears
- Hearing but not understanding certain words
- Difficulty understanding conversation in noisy environments
- Frequently asking people to repeat themselves
- Having to turn the TV up loud in order to understand what is being said
In addition, we will take the time to review your medical and hearing history during a free consultation. This examination may reveal common problems such as:
- Damage to the eardrum
- Fluid accumulation in the middle ear
- Other conditions which may make it difficult to hear clearly